Monday, September 8, 2014

You May be "Unknowingly" Lying to Your Prospects and Causing them to Quit. Are You Doing This?

Know what I really hate?

I hate it when someone is prospecting a person to join their organization and they make the misleading statement that by joining a MLM you will have TONS of free time.

Know why I hate that?

Because that is not exactly true.

When you tell a person if they join your organization they will have tons of free time, it makes it seem as if they will have nothing to do all day but do whatever it is they wish to do, and that is not the case.

And when they actually join and work really hard the first few months and still haven’t reached $20,000 a month, they quit because they were under the impression that all they had to do was sign up, have tons of free time and make $20,000 a month.

I feel that making that statement is false advertising.

Yes, if you are in a MLM organization your time is YOUR time but it is far from free.
I believe a more accurate statement would be that the greatest asset in working a MLM is that you are your own boss; therefore you have more CONTROL over your hours….not that you will have tons of FREE time.

The first few years in your MLM you will have to work harder than you probably ever had to work before in order to establish your business and make the kind of money you desire to make. That does not equate to FREE time. Every so called “free” moment should be dedicated to working your business.

I understand the point they are trying to make. But it is misleading at best.
When you start your own business, the “time” benefit is this: You do not have to get up at a certain time each day in order to take a shower, iron your clothes, and drive or commute to an office which you HAVE to be there by 8 or 9 am. You also are not stuck at that office all day until 4 or 6 pm.

Because you are your own boss and because you can create your own schedule, you are now able to attend your children’s events that may take place during normal business hours. Now you are no longer confined or contracted to be sitting at a desk and working for someone else. You do not have to put in a month in advance in order to take time off to do what you want to do. You no longer have to switch days with someone to make sure your hours are covered when you desire to take the day to do something special.

Being your own boss, you can attend whatever it is you desire to attend and still keep your schedule.

For example, let’s say that you know Tuesday your son’s football team has a game. Their game starts at 5 pm.

If you were working a typical 9 to 5 job, you more than likely will have to ask your boss if you could leave an hour early. You are a grown person and should not have to seek permission from another person to allow you to go and see your child perform. But you do. They may or may not allow you to leave an hour early. If you ask one too many times, you may end up without a job. 

If you work for yourself, you simply schedule it into your plan for the day.
See, that doesn’t actually give you tons of free time. Because whatever so called “free” time you have, should be spent establishing your business. There is never any FREE time in network marketing….at least not for the first year or two. Afterwards, once you have helped thousands of people duplicate what you are doing THEN you can relax and enjoy FREE time…when you are making $30 to $50,000 consistently on a monthly basis. But until that time, there is no FREE time.

And please, I don’t want to hear that it IS free time in YOUR MLM. Because no matter what business you are in, the industry is still the same.

So remember, when you are explaining your business to your prospects, let them understand that they will have more CONTROL over their lives and their scheduled then a traditional corporate job.  Don’t mislead them into thinking that all of their time will be free. Because once they are disappointed when they find out that they have less free time in the beginning they will more than likely quit and bad mouth the industry as it didn’t live up to their expectations.

If you want free training on how to create your business via mlm check out my website at

Be blessed!
Dawn Fields
Network Marketing Academy