I am working outside on the patio today so I could enjoy this beautiful day.
I hope your day is grand and warm as well.
Well, let's jump right in.
A few weeks ago, I possed a question to one of the Network Marketing
groups I belong to on Facebook.
The question I asked was, "what is your biggest problem/obstacle when it comes to your MLM business?"
I was amazed at how many people stated they were their biggest obstacle.
But after I thought about it, it made sense.
The funny thing about Network Marketing
is that the thing that makes it so great, is also the thing that makes it so bad...at the same time.
Think about it.
Network Marketing
is an opportunity for people who have never run a business before in their lives, to run a business.
Although the good thing about Network Marketing
is that although you are in business for yourself, you aren't supposed to be in business BY yourself. You have a network of people willing and able to help you.
However, you are STILL a business owner.
What if you know nothing about running a business?
Over night, just because you attended a meeting, you are supposed to know everything about running a business?
That's why training is so important.
And that's why all Network Marketing
companies offer tons of training.
But no matter how much training they offer, it does no good if you don't actually take the time to participate in the training and learn what it takes to run a successful business. And then, take what you learn AND PUT IT TO USE.
Most people get excited the first week or two, but if they don't meet with instant success, they lose interest and quit. That's one of the reason most organizations have some sort of Fast Start program
in place because they understand that if the person
does not see a quick turn around of their investment, they will leave with the quickness.
But what do you do if you don't know what to do or feel that you are not good at doing the things they are teaching you to do?
This probably won't be an Ah Ha moment for ya, but here's the answer.....PRACTICE.
Yup! That's all it takes.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
It doesn't matter if you get it wrong the first few times. Just keep practicing.
The more you practice, the better you become.
That is the case with EVERYTHING.
You have to make up your mind that NO MATTER WHAT...YOU WILL NOT QUIT.
And just keep practicing.
Let me tell you a story.
Years back, I started working in sells. I had to go door to door from business to business to sell
my product.
I had never done anything like this before. I didn't know what I was doing.
For the first week, I went to 70 businesses each day to set up an appointment.
I would come in, speak with the secretary and ask if I could make an appointment with the owner. She would say "He's not interested." I would smile and say thank you, then leave.
I did this over and over again.
By the end of the week with no appointments made, I was ready to quit.
But that weekend, I found a script and studied it, memoried it and any possible objectives, I studied the rebuttals and committed them to memory.
The next week I set 5 appointments.
I just kept practicing and practicing and practicing until I got it right.
Now, I can set tons of appointments because I've gotten so good at it.
And you will too.
Just keep in mind that YOU CAN'T QUIT and that you must PRACTICE!
Practice makes perfect is the old saying...and it's true!
The only reason you may be your own worse obstacle is because you haven't truly made the DECISION that no matter what, you will keep trying until you get it right.
Make that DECISION and be firm on where you stand. Don't sway for one second.
In no time at all, you will see how you have mastered this thing and are making more money than you ever thought possible.
Until next time.
Be blessed!
Dawn Fields
PS Subscribe to Network Marketing Academy Newsletter and download a free ebook called "How to Develop the MLM Top Earner Mindset." Go to www.dawnmfields.com/mlmmindset.html
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