Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Latest and the Greatest May Very Well End Your Network Marketing Career

If you are a newbie to the Network Marketing industry, it is important that you understand this...

There is a lot of information out there about marketing, prospecting and recruiting out there. How do you know what’s the best way for you to go?

Well, you first must understand something.

These days, everyone is out to make a buck.

Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. That’s the American way. I’m not knocking anybody’s hustle.

But what you must understand is, just because someone created something and know how to market to you to get your attention, doesn't mean it’s the best process for you.

Does this sound familiar?

Nate just joined a network marketing organization.

His sponsor told him to write down a list of his warm market and even shared how to approach his warm marketing.

Nate is very excited about this business and want to start making thousands of dollars as quickly as possible.
So, he goes online and start searching the internet for help.

He reads about Google Ad Words and SEO and PPC.

These are all new concepts to him which he knows nothing about.

So, he spends the next two weeks studying. But in the meantime, he hasn't even written out his list of warm leads yet and hasn't shared his opportunity with anybody other than a few of his closest friends, who told him he was nuts.

He creates a Capture Page and starts a list and spends his money on PPC advertising.

Two months later, he quits the business and tells everyone he knows how network marketing doesn't work and how he lost money instead of making any.

Isn't that how it works?

Because he failed at the business by being distracted from his goal, he now blames it on network marketing.
If you are easily distracted or if you are the type of person who is always looking for the latest and the greatest information to help you in your business, you will forever be stuck.

That’s right.


Let me tell you what happens when you constantly chase after the latest and the greatest.

Even if the new process works, it always takes time for you to master the process in order for it to begin working in your favor. The time that it takes to master the process, is usually just about enough time to get you frustrated and give up because “it doesn't work.”

Not that it doesn't work, it might, or it might not.

But the thing is, just like everything else, there is a learning curve.

If you constantly chase after the latest and the greatest, you will forever be in the learning curve and will not benefit you nor your business.


Want to know how to get to the money the fastest way?

It’s simple and it is the basis and core principle that Network Marketing is founded upon.

Find someone in your upline who is making the type of money that you desire to make.
Network with them. Get to know them.

They will want to help you because helping you will benefit them.

Find out what they did to get to where they are and DUPLICATE their actions.

Find out their process.

And simply do what they did to get where they are, and you will eventually get where they are…so long as you do not deviate from it and get distracted by all of the latest and the greatest information.

This business is all about duplicating those who are already successful.

Now, I’m not saying to totally ignore what else is going on in this business. But leave it, for now. Don’t even focus on it because focusing on it takes away from you building your business.

Once you start making about $15,000 to $20,000 per month, then perhaps you could TRY something different.

I still wouldn't ignore my process that got me to the $20 grand per month, but I would start practicing the additional information until I mastered it. This way, I am still growing my organization and making money.

To learn what the Top Earner know that you don't know, get your free copy of How to Develop the MLM Top Earner Mindset. Click here.

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