Monday, September 8, 2014

You May be "Unknowingly" Lying to Your Prospects and Causing them to Quit. Are You Doing This?

Know what I really hate?

I hate it when someone is prospecting a person to join their organization and they make the misleading statement that by joining a MLM you will have TONS of free time.

Know why I hate that?

Because that is not exactly true.

When you tell a person if they join your organization they will have tons of free time, it makes it seem as if they will have nothing to do all day but do whatever it is they wish to do, and that is not the case.

And when they actually join and work really hard the first few months and still haven’t reached $20,000 a month, they quit because they were under the impression that all they had to do was sign up, have tons of free time and make $20,000 a month.

I feel that making that statement is false advertising.

Yes, if you are in a MLM organization your time is YOUR time but it is far from free.
I believe a more accurate statement would be that the greatest asset in working a MLM is that you are your own boss; therefore you have more CONTROL over your hours….not that you will have tons of FREE time.

The first few years in your MLM you will have to work harder than you probably ever had to work before in order to establish your business and make the kind of money you desire to make. That does not equate to FREE time. Every so called “free” moment should be dedicated to working your business.

I understand the point they are trying to make. But it is misleading at best.
When you start your own business, the “time” benefit is this: You do not have to get up at a certain time each day in order to take a shower, iron your clothes, and drive or commute to an office which you HAVE to be there by 8 or 9 am. You also are not stuck at that office all day until 4 or 6 pm.

Because you are your own boss and because you can create your own schedule, you are now able to attend your children’s events that may take place during normal business hours. Now you are no longer confined or contracted to be sitting at a desk and working for someone else. You do not have to put in a month in advance in order to take time off to do what you want to do. You no longer have to switch days with someone to make sure your hours are covered when you desire to take the day to do something special.

Being your own boss, you can attend whatever it is you desire to attend and still keep your schedule.

For example, let’s say that you know Tuesday your son’s football team has a game. Their game starts at 5 pm.

If you were working a typical 9 to 5 job, you more than likely will have to ask your boss if you could leave an hour early. You are a grown person and should not have to seek permission from another person to allow you to go and see your child perform. But you do. They may or may not allow you to leave an hour early. If you ask one too many times, you may end up without a job. 

If you work for yourself, you simply schedule it into your plan for the day.
See, that doesn’t actually give you tons of free time. Because whatever so called “free” time you have, should be spent establishing your business. There is never any FREE time in network marketing….at least not for the first year or two. Afterwards, once you have helped thousands of people duplicate what you are doing THEN you can relax and enjoy FREE time…when you are making $30 to $50,000 consistently on a monthly basis. But until that time, there is no FREE time.

And please, I don’t want to hear that it IS free time in YOUR MLM. Because no matter what business you are in, the industry is still the same.

So remember, when you are explaining your business to your prospects, let them understand that they will have more CONTROL over their lives and their scheduled then a traditional corporate job.  Don’t mislead them into thinking that all of their time will be free. Because once they are disappointed when they find out that they have less free time in the beginning they will more than likely quit and bad mouth the industry as it didn’t live up to their expectations.

If you want free training on how to create your business via mlm check out my website at

Be blessed!
Dawn Fields
Network Marketing Academy

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Most People Do This With Their Warm Market…Do You?

So you joined a new opportunity and the first thing your sponsor tells you to do is to create a list of your “warm market” so you can share with them your business opportunity.

OMG! You HATE having to bother your friends and family because you already know what they are going to say.

“You got involved in one of those pyramid schemes?”

“You are a fool if you think you can make any money in this. I know a guy who lost a lot of money and never made anything.”

Especially if this is not your first opportunity.

Doesn’t it feel like you are badgering your friends and family?

It may even have gotten to the point where your friends and family are starting to treat you like they treat Jehovah Witnesses coming to their house early on Saturday. You know how we do with the Jehovah Witnesses. I remember when I was growing up and the Jehovah Witnesses would come to the door, my mother would turn off all the lights and tell us to sit quietly, until they left so they would think no one was home. LOL

That’s how you visualize your friends and family treating you after you tell them about your business.

Especially if you are a professional…say, doctor or lawyer or something. You become afraid that you will ruin your reputation and your clients and business colleagues will think you have lost your mind and avoid you like the plague.
The only reason people will avoid you when you tell them about your opportunity, is if you weren’t trained to properly prospect your warm market.
So how DO you prospect your warm market?

If you change the way you look at it, it will become something that you ENJOY doing, not dread.

What you are actually doing is helping people to possibly change their life.
Wouldn’t you want to help your friends and family change their life for the better?

Wouldn’t you want people you know, love and respect, to become your business partners?

Of course you would.

We all have that friend who wants to stay home and raise her family but she can’t because she has to work so the Day Care is raising her children.
Or the guy friend that works for the local factory and is working 60 hours a week and barely making ends meet.

Or that waitress friend who works two jobs and is trying to be a good single parent but barely have enough money to feed and clothe her children.
When we tell them about our opportunity and they aren’t interested, we simply don’t get it. So, we become defensive and start badgering them to join. THAT”S when they start treating us like Jehovah Witnesses.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work if you badger them if THEY can’t see the big picture.

All that is required is that you ask them one time.

IF they say no, it’s not a rejection towards you. It is just that right now, they are not ready to become your business partner.

Wait for six months and then approach them again. Perhaps their situation has changed and now the time is right for them. Perhaps they see all the success you are having and are kicking themselves because they didn’t join when you originally asked them.

Most people in network marketing ask the SAME question to their prospect and they are usually rejected.

They ask this question so much that, to be honest with you, when someone asks me, I totally get turned off because I know it’s a script and I know what is going to follow.

The question EVERYONE asks is, “when it comes to business opportunities, do you keep your options open?”

That’s a horrible question, in my opinion.

First of all, the average person doesn’t go around thinking of business opportunities so it is nothing they would be interested in in the first place.
But what if you asked your friends and family members something like this?
“What if I can show you a way to make $20 to $50,000 every month, where you can make the kind of money some CEO’s makes, AND you can work from home, AND you get to travel? Would you be interested in learning how? Can I show you?”

Most people would say YES if you qualified them correctly.

Asking this question will lead people to begin to visualize themselves making $50,000 a month and traveling. Getting them to visualize themselves being successful is exactly what you want.

But still, if your friends and family say no to this question, do not badger them. And do not feel rejected. Just add them to your list of names you will contact in six months.

See, people’s situations change all the time. If the timing isn’t right for your opportunity right now, it may be right for them in the future.

If you follow this simply process….asking the question to see if they are interested, if they say NO, then just leave it alone. And then try back in six months…you will never have to feel as if your family and friends are dodging or avoiding you.

The Latest and the Greatest May Very Well End Your Network Marketing Career

If you are a newbie to the Network Marketing industry, it is important that you understand this...

There is a lot of information out there about marketing, prospecting and recruiting out there. How do you know what’s the best way for you to go?

Well, you first must understand something.

These days, everyone is out to make a buck.

Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with that. That’s the American way. I’m not knocking anybody’s hustle.

But what you must understand is, just because someone created something and know how to market to you to get your attention, doesn't mean it’s the best process for you.

Does this sound familiar?

Nate just joined a network marketing organization.

His sponsor told him to write down a list of his warm market and even shared how to approach his warm marketing.

Nate is very excited about this business and want to start making thousands of dollars as quickly as possible.
So, he goes online and start searching the internet for help.

He reads about Google Ad Words and SEO and PPC.

These are all new concepts to him which he knows nothing about.

So, he spends the next two weeks studying. But in the meantime, he hasn't even written out his list of warm leads yet and hasn't shared his opportunity with anybody other than a few of his closest friends, who told him he was nuts.

He creates a Capture Page and starts a list and spends his money on PPC advertising.

Two months later, he quits the business and tells everyone he knows how network marketing doesn't work and how he lost money instead of making any.

Isn't that how it works?

Because he failed at the business by being distracted from his goal, he now blames it on network marketing.
If you are easily distracted or if you are the type of person who is always looking for the latest and the greatest information to help you in your business, you will forever be stuck.

That’s right.


Let me tell you what happens when you constantly chase after the latest and the greatest.

Even if the new process works, it always takes time for you to master the process in order for it to begin working in your favor. The time that it takes to master the process, is usually just about enough time to get you frustrated and give up because “it doesn't work.”

Not that it doesn't work, it might, or it might not.

But the thing is, just like everything else, there is a learning curve.

If you constantly chase after the latest and the greatest, you will forever be in the learning curve and will not benefit you nor your business.


Want to know how to get to the money the fastest way?

It’s simple and it is the basis and core principle that Network Marketing is founded upon.

Find someone in your upline who is making the type of money that you desire to make.
Network with them. Get to know them.

They will want to help you because helping you will benefit them.

Find out what they did to get to where they are and DUPLICATE their actions.

Find out their process.

And simply do what they did to get where they are, and you will eventually get where they are…so long as you do not deviate from it and get distracted by all of the latest and the greatest information.

This business is all about duplicating those who are already successful.

Now, I’m not saying to totally ignore what else is going on in this business. But leave it, for now. Don’t even focus on it because focusing on it takes away from you building your business.

Once you start making about $15,000 to $20,000 per month, then perhaps you could TRY something different.

I still wouldn't ignore my process that got me to the $20 grand per month, but I would start practicing the additional information until I mastered it. This way, I am still growing my organization and making money.

To learn what the Top Earner know that you don't know, get your free copy of How to Develop the MLM Top Earner Mindset. Click here.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I Believe You May Be Brainwashed!!!

Do you know what always bothers me?

What bothers me is the fact that there are powers that be that are actually brainwashing us to believe certain things and to behave certain ways.

And because they are so good at what they do, most of us refuse to believe that we are victims of their brainwashing.

Everyone knows that there is such a thing as “propaganda” but most people don’t really realize the effect that it has own their own life.

Let’s define the word first.

Propaganda means information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Whether you know it or not, propaganda plays a very big and important part in your life.

What if I were to tell you that propaganda was used when the “Powers that Be” decided that they wanted the United States citizens to start life off in debt?

Debt is an excellent way that banks use to create money for those that own the banks and have created the banking system. They decided that the best way for them to make money was to promote debt to the citizens.

Well, you can’t really go out and promote DEBT cause nobody would buy into it.

So, what they did was decided to make the population feel that they would never succeed in life unless they had a college education. A college education would be too expensive to purchase, so students who wished to go to college would have to take out a loan in order to do so. After they graduate from college, they will start their life off IN DEBT to the banksters that run this world.

So, they created publicity, made commercials, television shows, movies, had it taught in school that you MUST get a college education in order to make it in this world.

And we bought into it, hook, line and sinker.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

I am not saying that getting a college education isn’t a good thing. I am not saying it is a bad thing either. I’m just telling you that it was propaganda used on society to start our youth out in debt. I used this example to show you how you can be persuaded by something without really realizing it.

I say all of this to tell you this…

Propaganda has been used to make most people that MLM is a “pyramid scheme.” The propaganda used was to fool you into believing that working for a corporation is not a pyramid scheme and that you work to build up your social security so one day you can retire.

This is totally backwards and if any rational thinker took two seconds to actually think about it, s/he would see exactly how backwards this believe is.

First of all, the biggest Ponzi pyramid scheme that ever lived is the Social Security scheme.  By definition alone the Social Security scam is a Ponzi scheme.

What is a Ponzi scheme?

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation where the operator pays returns to its investors from NEW capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit earned by the operator.

Instead of investing the money that the older generator put into their social security, the government used it. Now they are using the investment of today’s youth to pay the social security checks of the retirees. How is that NOT a Ponzi scheme?

Well, they duped you even further to make you believe that corporations are NOT the pyramids, but that MLM organizations are pyramid “schemes.”

Let’s think of any company that you have ever worked with. Generally, there is only 1 person at the top of the organization. This person makes most of the decisions and gets paid the huge salary. He is the TOP of the pyramid. The VP’s and Executives under him make up the next level. They are also highly paid and contribute to the decision process at the company. The next level is the Management Level, followed by the Support Staff.

Is that NOT a pyramid? But what makes it more of a scheme is the fact that those on the bottom hardly if ever, make it to the top. In fact, they are the hardest workers but get paid a mere morsel compared to what the higher ups make. And they will more than likely NEVER make it to the top.

Now, if you look at the organization of a MLM company, anyone can make it to the top. There are no limits or college education, social status, nepotism or anything else required to make it to the top EXCEPT HARD WORK.

Anyone who is willing to work and put their minds to it can make the same salary as a CEO of any major corporation.

But the powers that be do not want you to know this information because it would be better for them if you remain ignorant. This way, you will work for years in their companies and make them rich and keep the belief that you will never be rich. They want you to believe that.

And for the most part, we do.

Sad isn’t it.

I just wanted to share this with you just in case the next time you come across a person you are sharing your business opportunity with, and they come out with that ignorant statement, “Well, isn’t this a pyramid scheme?” Explain to them what a pyramid scheme really is, and point out to them that 9 times out of 10, the company they are presently working for is a pyramid scheme, where they will NEVER make it to the top position. Whereas the company you work for, is waiting for you to make it to the top position and will do everything in its powers to help you get there.

Remember to spread this newspaper to your upline and downline.

Also remember to add it your folder. You did create one already didn’t you? The NMA or Network Marketing Academy folder in your inbox? If not, create it now. What cha waiting for?

Well, that’s it for this time.
Until next time,
Dawn M. Fields
Network Marketing Academy

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I don't know where you are right now, but I am in New Jersey and it is a beautiful day today. It's a bit on the warm side but there is no humidity at all. I love warm days with no humidity.
I am working outside on the patio today so I could enjoy this beautiful day.
I hope your day is grand and warm as well.
Well, let's jump right in.
A few weeks ago, I possed a question to one of the Network Marketing groups I belong to on Facebook.
The question I asked was, "what is your biggest problem/obstacle when it comes to your MLM business?"
I was amazed at how many people stated they were their biggest obstacle.
But after I thought about it, it made sense.
The funny thing about Network Marketing is that the thing that makes it so great, is also the thing that makes it so the same time.
Think about it.
Network Marketing is an opportunity for people who have never run a business before in their lives, to run a business.
Although the good thing about Network Marketing is that although you are in business for yourself, you aren't supposed to be in business BY yourself. You have a network of people willing and able to help you.
However, you are STILL a business owner.
What if you know nothing about running a business?
Over night, just because you attended a meeting, you are supposed to know everything about running a business?
That's why training is so important.
And that's why all Network Marketing companies offer tons of training.
But no matter how much training they offer, it does no good if you don't actually take the time to participate in the training and learn what it takes to run a successful business. And then, take what you learn AND PUT IT TO USE.
Most people get excited the first week or two, but if they don't meet with instant success, they lose interest and quit. That's one of the reason most organizations have some sort of Fast Start program in place because they understand that if the person does not see a quick turn around of their investment, they will leave with the quickness.
But what do you do if you don't know what to do or feel that you are not good at doing the things they are teaching you to do?
This probably won't be an Ah Ha moment for ya, but here's the answer.....PRACTICE.
Yup! That's all it takes.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
It doesn't matter if you get it wrong the first few times. Just keep practicing.
The more you practice, the better you become.
That is the case with EVERYTHING.
You have to make up your mind that NO MATTER WHAT...YOU WILL NOT QUIT.
And just keep practicing.
Let me tell you a story.
Years back, I started working in sells. I had to go door to door from business to business to sell my product.
I had never done anything like this before. I didn't know what I was doing.
For the first week, I went to 70 businesses each day to set up an appointment.
I would come in, speak with the secretary and ask if I could make an appointment with the owner. She would say "He's not interested." I would smile and say thank you, then leave.
I did this over and over again.
By the end of the week with no appointments made, I was ready to quit.
But that weekend, I found a script and studied it, memoried it and any possible objectives, I studied the rebuttals and committed them to memory.
The next week I set 5 appointments.
I just kept practicing and practicing and practicing until I got it right.
Now, I can set tons of appointments because I've gotten so good at it.
And you will too.
Just keep in mind that YOU CAN'T QUIT and that you must PRACTICE!
Practice makes perfect is the old saying...and it's true!
The only reason you may be your own worse obstacle is because you haven't truly made the DECISION that no matter what, you will keep trying until you get it right.
Make that DECISION and be firm on where you stand. Don't sway for one second.
In no time at all, you will see how you have mastered this thing and are making more money than you ever thought possible.
Until next time.
Be blessed!
Dawn Fields
PS Subscribe to Network Marketing Academy Newsletter and download a free ebook called "How to Develop the MLM Top Earner Mindset." Go to

Friday, August 1, 2014

As Promised...the Step-by-Step Instructions on Being a Leader in your Network Marketing Organization

During our last conversation, I was telling you that in order to become like one of the TOP folks in your organization, you will have to become a leader FIRST.
This newsletter I promise to give you Step-by-Step instructions on exactly how to do that.

If you happen to be shy and timid, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are going to have to work on that because leaders are not shy and/or timid. They are outgoing. They have a commanding presence. They show no fear. And if they are shy, they have learned to work around their shyness. This is something that you must learn to do.

Because the harsh reality is, people don’t follow shy and timid folks. They just don’t.
Remember Jamie Fox character in Spider Man 2? He was shy and timid before the accident and no one ever remembered his name. Spider Man was the first person to ever notice him that’s why he became a die-hard fan. Until Spider Man forgot him the second time that is.

If you want to make money in this or any other business, you have to make it your priority that you do something as quickly as possible about your shyness.
Ok, moving right along.

To establish yourself as a leader, the first thing you must do is get yourself a separate website from your company’s website.
It’s harder to stand out in the crowd if everybody’s wearing the same uniform.

Getting your own website is easy and very inexpensive. I am not going to go into details of purchasing a website here…that information you should be able to find on your own. If you cannot, then send me a private email and I will help you out.
Now that you have a website, what do you do next?

Well, believe it or not, you are NOT going to be promoting your business opportunity.
What you will be promoting is yourself.

Find a picture of you and place it on your website. If you are married, put a picture of your spouse or you and your spouse together. Got children? Put a picture of them up there too. What about a dog, or a cat? Yeah, put them up there too. Play golf? Put a picture of you playing.
You are not going to nilly willy place picture like it’s some Instagram account or anything like that.

What you are going to do is tell your story.
Yeah, believe it or not, STORIES SELL.

Telling a story about yourself is a great way for people to get to know you. And guess what? When people feel like they know you and can trust you, they are more apt to come join your team.
Tell the folks WHY you got into Network Marketing. Tell them about your hobbies. Tell them about your family or whatever else that separates you from the crowd.

Make yourself a likeable human being and not just a business website promoting a product and an opportunity.

What Leaders do that make them leaders is that they offer service to others.
What are you good at that you can offer your skills and knowledge to others that will help them get what they want?

Are you skilled at advertising on Facebook?
How about Twitter, Instagram or Linked In?

Do you understand how to create and upload video’s to YouTube?
Are you exceptionally good at prospecting and recruiting?

Do you have a script that you use or a secret to memorizing scripts?
Do you find it easy to stand and talk in front of a crowd?

Do you know about Search Engineer Optimization?
Do you have knowledge of Blogs and Email Marketing?

What are you skills?
I know there is something that you can do better than most people. The thing key is, you don’t even have to be super-duper great at it. Just understand it and be able to explain it to someone so that they can understand it.

Whatever it is that you are good at--THAT is what you will promote on your website.
For example…let’s say you like to blog. You’ve been blogging for a while and have somewhat mastered the art of blogging.

“Learn How to Blog to Attract Recruits for Your Downline” could be the header for your website.
You could create a list designed to help people master blogging.

You could recommend reading material for them that you have used in the past that helped you learn or master the skill.
You could explain the best way to blog; how to create a blog; the best blogging post, etc.

Doesn’t matter what you are good at, think of a way that it would benefit others and teach it on your personal website.
The key is to provide people with helpful information and then talk to them about joining your opportunity.

They will want to join because they understand that you are knowledgeable and that you will be able to help them.
That’s how you become a leader.

Leaders help others and establish themselves SEPARATE from their company.
Well, that is it for now.

Remember to file this article in your Network Marketing Academy Newsletter folder in your INBOX. That way you can go back to it whenever you need a refresher.
Until next time…Let Your Leadership Qualities Shine.

Be blessed!

Dawn Fields
Network Marketing Academy

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Hey You,

Glad you can join us again today.

For this to be the summer, it has been pretty cold when I wake up in the morning. This morning was exceptionally cold cause for some insane reason my crazy husband turned the central air on last night, even though it was pretty cool when we went to bed.

I didn’t even realize he turned the air on because I sleep with a big fleece blanket no matter how hot it gets. Don’t even ask me why but I can’t sleep without my blankey. LOL

Anyways, I wake up this morning and my nose is cold. I must have realized in my sleep, that it was pretty cold because I was wrapped all up in that blanket and the only thing that was visual was my nose. LOL. Oh, and by the way, when I get cold, so does my nose. My husband likes to say I’m part dog. And to that, I always say, “Ha ha. Very funny….NOT!”

Anyway, today we are going to continue from where we left off with the last newsletter. We will be talking about Establishing Yourself as a Leader.

As I told you before, the only way to make any serious money in this industry is to first establish yourself as a leader.

Just think back to everyone that you know who is doing exceptionally well in this industry, those who are winning the cars, winning the vacations, speaking on stage….what do they all have in common?
They have all taken the time to establish themselves as leaders.

If you want to earn six figures in this business, you must do what the six figure earners do.

And they have established themselves as leaders BEFORE the money starts coming in.

It’s easy to establish yourself as a leader AFTER the money comes in because folks will flock to you just because you have money and they will want to find out HOW you made the money. And having money will definitely ATTRACT folks to you.

But in order to get to that point, you must first ACT like a leader even if you are dead broke.
Yeah, that’s right. I said it.

Act like a leader even if you are dead broke.

(Side note: hahahahaha. That just made me think of that Steve Harvey book and movie…Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. But in this case, you are Acting Like a Baller, Even Though You May Not Have a Dollar (did that rhyme?)

Anyway, Ever heard the saying….”Fake it until you make it.”

Well, that’s what ACTING like a leader is all about. Or how the kids say it today? “Acting like a Boss!”
This is one of the reasons it is so important that you learn how to get your MIND right in this business or in any business for that matter. Because when you learn to think POSITIVE instead of NEGATIVE (as our minds have been programmed to think), you understand that you have to BELIEVE IT BEFORE YOU CAN SEE IT.

Unlike what most of the world has been programmed to believe…that you have to SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT.

Now the first thing you must do if you want to establish yourself as a leader is (brace yourself for this one cause you’re gonna think I lost my mind)…..


Yeah, that’s right. I said it.

Stop talking about your business opportunity to anybody and everybody. No one will take you serious as a leader if you continue to do that.

People won’t see you as a leader EVER if you continue to push your business opportunity off on everyone you see.

What you will end up establishing yourself as is a nuisance. Instead of people being attracted to you and seeking you out, they will be repelled against you and FLEE when they see you coming. They will start treating you like the way they did that kid in high school who always had bad breath or always needed deodorant. ;0)

You don’t want that.

Now, why would I say that you have to stop talking about your business opportunity in order to make money and establish yourself as a leader?

Because the truth is, nobody in the entire world, except other distributors for your company, care even the slightest about your company.

Nobody cares what year they were established.

Nobody cares if they are private or publically owned.

Nobody cares that the only way to get the main ingredient in your product is to send two Siamese twins over to the Himalayas, one must be 2 inches taller than the other, while one must have brown eyes, and the other green eyes, and they can only get this ingredient on one day during the month of September when the sun is at its highest point and at the same time the owl closes his left eye.


It sounds like Hog Wash to the average person.

But what they do care about is IF you care about them.

Leaders are people who focus their time and energy on helping other people.

And what will make YOU a leader in your organization and thereby getting you the big bucks is if you focus your time and energy on helping others.

That’s it.

That’s the ONLY way to become successful in this business or any other business.

You MUST focus on helping other people.

Because why?

People are the ones that are going to make you rich.

They are the ones that are going to buy your product and join your team.

But they will NEVER join your team simply because you came to them and said “Hey, join my team because my company has been established for 75 years and we are publically traded on Wall Street. Our products come from the alpine valley of the Himalaya’s.”


And THAT’S supposed to make me want to join you?


So if this is what you are doing or even something similar PLEASE STOP RIGHT NOW.

Imma show you in the next article EXACTLY what you have to do in order to establish yourself as a Leader. Sort of a Step-to-Step process, if you will.

Hey, did you start that folder I told you about? Remember I said to create a folder in your INBOX titled either NMA or Network Marketing Academy?

Well, if you did….kudos for you because you are not a procrastinator. You are serious about business and will probably be a success real soon if you aren’t already there.

If you FORGOT or simply neglected to do it, DO SO RIGHT NOW. Simply click on the left hand sign and create a folder. Title it NWA. Cause you are going to want to keep the information that I will be sharing with you and it will be easier to go back and check it out this way.

Well, for now, that’s it. Oh, I you have a birthday coming up, let me know. I would love to give you a shout out in the newsletter. LOL

Have a blessed and wonderful day today.

I look forward to meeting up with you again real soon.

Be blessed!

Dawn Fields

P.S.  Pass this newsletter on to your friends and team in your organization. Tell them to click here to get their own subscription.

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Read This to Find Out the Secret to Becoming Successful In Network Marketing

Hey you,

Dawn Fields here.

I just finished playing on Facebook and meeting a few new friends when I got the idea to write this article for you.

Me meeting friends on Facebook had nothing to do with this article, but it is times like these, when I am doing something totally relaxing and enjoyable, that great ideas always seem to come to me.

Like a FLASH, the thought entered my mind to write a helpful article for my blog and newsletter that will show you the secret to becoming successful in Network Marketing.

I know most people believe there is a "Secret" to being successful in Network Marketing and if they could only find that secret that those who are successful, are trying to keep hidden, than they too can become successful.

Well, I hate to have to break it to you this way but there is no other way to say it.
Base yourself for this one.

The truth is, there really is no secret.

It's only a secret because you haven't discovered it yet. But relax, I'm about to share "the secret" with you.

But first let me tell you a story.

Last month we had my daughter's Sweet 16 party so now she is old enough to drive.
I took her out for her first lesson the other day.

She was super excited.

I was super afraid. Here I was, trapped in a car, with my 16 year old daughter, and she was about to have total control over the vehicle-and my life.

Now for you parents who have had this experience before you know that it is no joke sitting on the passenger side with a teenager who spends most of her days taking Selfies and sharing them on Instagram IN TOTAL CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

In fact, at the time, she was wearing a t-shirt that read "Hold Up. Give me a Minute. I have to take this Selfie first."

Ok, I digress.

Well, when she first got behind the wheel, she said, "I am finally going to learn the secret of driving a car."

Now, is driving a car a real secret?

Of course it's no secret.

But to her and the millions of teenagers who never experienced sitting behind the steering wheel of a car, it probably seems like some super mysterious secret.

Mainly because it is something they've never experienced before.

Well, after her first lesson (we survived, I might add), and returned back home, her first words was, "that was scary, but pretty easy."

That's exactly how you will feel the minute you discover the Secret to success in Network Marketing.

It might feel a little scary, but it's not really a secret. In fact, becoming successful will be pretty easy, one you learn what to do and get some experience doing it.

The reason it is not a secret is because there are tons of people who are already successful at doing it. They have discovered the secret.

Now, whether or not they have stumbled upon it by accident or actively sought after it, the thing is ...they have discovered the Secret of being a successful Network Marketer and you can do.
The thing you must do to discover this secret, is to seek out successful network marketers and see what they are doing AND THEN DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING.

That's the secret.

See, I told you it wasn't really a secret.

But what exactly ARE they doing?

Well, think about it.

What do you see ALL successful folks in Network Marketing doing?

You don't see them harassing their friends and neighbors about their business opportunity.

You don't see them putting ads on parked cars offering their business opportunity now do you?

You don't see them begging folks to join their opportunity either.


Why is that?

Why are people chasing after them to be on their team?

Because they have established themselves as a leader.

In order to gain any sort of success in Network Marketing so you can be the one standing on that stage at your next convention YOU MUST ESTABLISH YOURSELF AS A LEADER.
Now how do you do that????

That will be the subject of the next Network Marketing Academy Newsletter.

Do me a favor?

If you haven't already done so, create a folder for your Network Marketing Academy Newsletters in your INBOX. Call it NMA or something so you can save these helpful hints and go back to them again and again.

Also, pass SHARE this article with your friends and team so they can understand the secrets I'm going to share with you too.

You not only want to grow YOUR knowledge base, but the knowledge base of your team as well. When they grow, you grow. That's the blessing of Network Marketing.
They can also get their own subscription by clicking here.

Until next time.
Here's to your success.
Dawn Fields
Network Marketing Academy

No God!
No Peace!
Know God!
Know Peace!